How to install OpenSUSE linux on UEFI based PC.

2 min readJan 7, 2021


So guys, in this post I’m telling yall a method to install OpenSUSE linux on your UEFI based system. You can also use this guide for Virtualbox installation. It’ll be a summary. I’ve posted a detailed content with pictures ,which due to some reason i couldn’t do here, on this here.

Alright, let’s begin.


  1. Opensuse Linux iso file
  2. Balena etcher
  3. A USB drive

Step -1-

First we’ve got to create our installation USB. Balena etcher is a cross platform tool and can do this on any OS be it Windows, Linux or MacOS. I hope you already know how to do this.

Step -2 —

Here we have to boot form the USB. I’m assuming you’re using a free drive. I’ll be publishing a dualboot guide soon. Stay tuned for that.

After booting from USB, what we hafta do is to start the installation. Click on it as soon as it boots up.

After this ya don’t have to do a lot. Make sure you’re connected to a network. It will make your work quite easy. Then it’ll ask for Terms and conditions agreement. Choose agree and move forward.

Then it’ll ask for online repositories. Select yes an wait a minute. Your repos will be ready. In the next step it’ll ask for Desktop environment, choose Whatever you like. I’m choosing KDE Plasma here.

Step -3 —

So here we have to do partitioning. For us, there’s not much to do. If you want to dualboot, you’ll have do expert partitioning which I’ll cover in the next dual boot guide. Roughly, You don’t have to meddle with your windows partition.

Here we’ll select ‘Remove if needed’. And move forward. Then it’ll ask ya for lvm partition type. Choose BtrFS(recommended) or ext4. Then move forward and select your timezone.

Moving further, we’ve to create new user. It’ll ask for name and passwd.

Step -4 —

Now, this is the last step. Start the installation.

Here what we have got to do is to wait.

Thanks and Regards,


(P.S- For more content, have a look at my site here.)




I'm by profession, a student. By interest, a tech enthusiast, penetration tester, and blogger.